donderdag 13 september 2012

Ola bro's

I haven't been on this blog for awhile... lulz dont care!
I am starting the horrible 25 weeks long weight loss journey! bear with me pals...
Here's my infofofofo:
Lenght: 169 cm's (Average I guess)
Age: 17 (The age of poop)

Start: 14th of september 2012 (friday)
End: 8th of March 2012 (idk look it up)

Goal: Somewhere around 50 and 55 kilo's (NOW, i dont give a unicornpoop who you are, where you're from, what you do with your life, but even though you may think thats not a good weight for my age and lengh and buhbuhbuh, IDC, its going off >:l )

I have started several diets before wich all ended in Failure... BUT IT HAS TO GO OFF
I cant help but feeling more miserable every day just from the little ''eye of my corner''view in the mirror!
So here's the plan:
Every day I will Sport for atleast 45 minutes (biking or skating), When I finish that I will do Ab exercises and whatsoever
I will drink 2 to 2,5 Liters of water everyday!'
I will cut down on Fat and Sugar, and I will only drink/eat Arizona Green icetea, 0% fat dairy products, Green hot tea (no sugar)
IF Ihave to eat something fat like my moms spaghetti, I will immediatly train those calories OFF!
my mom refuses to cook more healthy or.. to cook at all! xD
I know it will be a looooong journey... but this is something I HAVE to do! Nothing tastes better then the feeling of being slim <3

Please root for me behind thee computerdesks
I will try to update EVERY WEEK and let you all know how much I weigh.
Weigh day will be every Friday.

Please pray for me!

My rewards will be:
+ 3 (yes 3) bellybutton rings
+ A whole new hairdo
+ New outfit complete (shirt, pants, shoes, coat, accesoires etc)
+ new extensions
and yes thats it... I will now List the milestones:

nr1:Friday the 19th of october (MUST have lost 5 kilos)
nr2: Friday the 23th of november (MUST have lost 6 kilos)
nr3: Friday the 28th of december (MUST have lost 6 kilos)
nr4: Friday the first of february (MUST have lost 7 kilos)
nr5: Friday the 8th of march (MUST have lost 6 kilos!!!!) <--End date!

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